by Philip Hesketh
The beauty of always being honest is that you don’t have to recall what you said to someone. Whereas whenever you lie, you always have to remember in case you’re asked again. There are the deceitful whoppers often designed to save a bit of money, and the little white...
by Philip Hesketh
People may learn in different ways, but it’s what you teach them that really matters. Every September in the UK sees the start of the new school term which naturally means lots of happy, excited faces around the breakfast table. I for one was always overjoyed to see...
by Philip Hesketh
Procrastination. As issue for you to address or are you always putting it off? People fall into one of two categories when it comes to getting things done. There are those who draw up to-do lists and manage their time efficiently, and there are those who never have...
by Philip Hesketh
Getting things done? It’s about time. People often ask me the secret of good time management and I always reply with the same words. ‘Ask me another time I’m running late.’ Only kidding. Good time management lies in the ability to distinguish between the important and...
by Philip Hesketh
Paying big bonuses doesn’t always lead to better performance In recent times, a lot of criticism has been aimed at top executives and their exorbitant salaries. Much of this has been directed towards the banking sector where bonus payments seem to bear no relation to...